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Everything You Need to Dive
  • Trevor wears glasses for reading only, 
    though he admits to hardly wearing them

  • He hates to shop and lets his mother or girlfriend do it for him

  • Trevor names Lance Armstrong as a person whom he admires

  • Orange is Trevor's favorite M&M flavor

  • Trevor has 3 tattoos, but he wouldn’t reveal where!

  • Trevor‘s nickname as a child was "Little Carter" as he was always tagging along with his older siblings

Shoe size: 46

Rental Pricing
*First Day is considered day of pick up, despite time. Due back within 24 hours or additional day fee may apply. 
Additional fee may apply if not returned in clean condition.
** Weekend pick up by 6pm Friday, due 6pm Monday
Air Fills - $10
Must present valid certification card at time of fill.
Tank must have current hydro and visual sticker.
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